Here in the UK we have been blasted with snow and for many of us seeing it stay this long has been amazing! We have looked on it as fun and have been out and sledged like crazy and built snowmans galore! So here is our challenge for you this month ......
It's all about fun in the snow! Use the sketch designed by Chef Sarah Carrington to create a layout about Skiing, Sledgin', snowballs and giggles! Let's see lots of layering! And don't worry if you haven't pictures of snow then just concentrate on the GIGGLES! You can choose which Rusty Pickle papers to use but please remember that we need to see 80% of RP product!
Leave a comment here by midnight on January 25th (MST) letting us know you have taken part and send your entry in to us at with January sketch as the subject and please keep the image to no more than 600 x 600 pxls.
We look forward to seeing all your fun and laughter in the snow (or sun!), here are some of the Chefs take on the sketch this month!
Dawn Gallop - Winter
Product Used: Chocolate Bunnies, Panama Jack and Word Reel
Julie Walton - Let It Snow
Products Used: Paper lines - Grinch-mas, Snowflakes & Mittens, Chipboard, Alpha -
Chocolate Bunnies, Journaling Spot - Bottle Rockets, Transparancy -
Pashmina, Buttons
Sarah Carrington - Snow King
Products Used: Shazaam, Bottle rockets and Chocolate covered cherries collections. Chubby chipboard Alphabets and thriller Stickers.
Tiff Sawyer - Let It Snow
Products Used: Shazzam

Cathleen Smith - Big Sky MT
Products Used: Snowflakes & Mittens: Mittens, Poinsettia, Frosty the Snowman, Buttons